Knowledge is power. Here are some of the (niche) sources I like to check out.
- De linkse revolte (Dutch).
- De Jesse Frederik Show (Dutch).
- Morele Ambitie (Dutch).
Quality science blogs
- Tranlational Ecology, by Bill Schlesinger.
- GlobalEcoGuy, by Jonathan Foley.
Books, books, books.....
*Must* reads, each of them (read it when you are on the train to a protest or so).
- The wizard and the prophet, Charles C. Mann.
- Humankind, (translated from De meeste mensen deugen), Rutger Bregman.
- Once we ate animals (translated from Ooit aten we dieren), Joanne van Voorst - the vegan version of the red pill in the Matrix.
- Miljardairs onder de guillotine, Sjors Roeters.
- Against elections (translated from Tegen verkiezingen), David van Reybrouck.
- Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission 2024. A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations.
- 6 out of 7 Earth system boundaries are transgressed.
- Ripple, et al 2024. The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. BioScience.
- State of the planet report, Johan Rockstöm @TEDCountdown@BloombergGreenFestival, July 2024
- The Planetary Health Check.
- The EU's Nature Restoration Law. DG Environment.
- The EU's proposed Soil Monitoring Law, DG Environment.
- EU Soil degradation (Soil health) dashboard. EUSO.

Book by Sjors Roeters
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