Editor in Chief & Founder
Jasper Wubs writes the Macroscope platform and reviews and edits any contributions by others.
Jasper started the platform out of frustration that science rarely comes with the clear answers that societies need. The IPCC is in existence for decades, but it took until 2015 to agree on real measures. We cannot follow the same trajectory for biodiversity, social inequality and other major socio-environmental crises. So, Jasper founded the Macroscope platform as an indendent place for scientifically supported advocasy for socio-ecological transitions in the first half of the 21st century. Please read, then act!

Editorial Policy
Mission: The aim of the Macroscope is to change the world for the better, to land within Kate Rawort's donut economy within the coming decade.
Vision: We do this by becoming a global platform of informed scientific opinion and advocacy with respect to the socio-ecological (dis)functioning of the planet and all life on it. Knowledge is power, as it gives people agency. We aim to give the people and institutions the information needed to get into direct action for a sustainable cohabitation of all species on planet Earth. We do not lack in ambition.... ;)

"The Macroscope is Wikipedia with teeth"
- Jasper Wubs, founder
The Macroscope accepts contributions from anyone, anywhere, as long as:
- The topic is within the scope of the platform and adheres to the spirit in which the platform was launched.
- The content is supported by scientific evidence, following the consensus if and when it arises.
- The content is free of copyright, directly publishable under a Creative Commons licence 4.0.
- Submission is by text document with hyperlinks to cited materials and with figures/photo's included, to be send to the EiC by email (see submit button).
- Contributions can be anonymous, but we prefer named submissions. In case you do not want to share your identity please highlight this in your communications.
- Submission can be in English or Dutch. For other languages please organise for a quality translation.
Peer review
Contributions to the Macroscope are published rapidly online, after inspection by the editorial board.
However, upon publication we will seek peer review from scientists to validate any and all claims made in the contribution. When a contribution was peer reviewed this is indicated in the header of the contribution.
When you have a complaint about the Macroscope and/or its content, please contact the founder. A decision will be made by the founder, which is not subject to appeal. However, the editorial board will always allow you to publish a counterview on the platform, as long as it adheres to the editorial policy indicated above.
Financial contributions
The Macroscope is happy to receive funding for its activities via donations. However, financial contribution can and will in no way be used to influence the content of the platform.
Please contact the founder if you wish to donate to the Macroscope.