

(soil biodiversity and functioning)

I have been contributed to several committees on the environment, including:

  • Ad hoc committee Soil & Water steering (Bodem & Water sturend), Stichting Commissee Milieueffectrapportage (commissie m.e.r., Netherlands commission for environmental assessment)
  • Norm Subcommitee Soil Health of the Netherlands Norm Organization (NEN),
    • Contributing to new standards produced within ISO TC 190.
  • Deltaplan Biodiversiteitsherstel national consortium of nature managers, farmers, knowledge institutes, companies, government, and civillians all working together to restore biodiversity.
  • Advisory Appointment Committee to the Academic Board of Wageningen University for appointment of a new Professor (chair) of Soil Biology and Biological Soil Quality
Jasper at Westhoff lezing

Public speaking


As an extravert, I do well on stage and I can join your event to talk about soils, ecology and sustainability.



Statistical consultancy

(Prefer a priori)

I like to analyse data* with an elegant statistical model, to bring out the beauty in data. I can help you too.


* Note, I am no* NOT* a certified (bio)statistician. I taught statistics to undergraduates for several years, and I am huge enthusiast for new models and approaches. I worked with many analysis types and am generally praised for the analysis work by reviewers. That said, I am human and I get things wrong sometimes.